Sensibilisation & Good practices | Vallée de Joux Tourisme

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Randonnée - Lac de Joux
Anne Moscatello

Sensibilisation & Good practices

Outdoors activities mean one’s behaviour must be adapted to respect fauna and other participants.

Do you like the Vallée? Then take care of it!

It's easy, for all:
  • I do not dump garbage in nature
  • I reduce and sort my garbage
  • I consume as much local as possible
  • I preserve natural and cultural sites
  • I follow the signs and recommendations
  • I prefer soft travel modes
The Vallée thanks you!
Claude Jaccard

Interacting with livestock

Lorsque je traverse un pâturage où se trouve un troupeau, j'adopte le comportement suivant pour éviter tout problème: 
  • Je referme avec précaution chaque clôture franchie
  • Je tiens mon chien en laisse et ramasse ses crottes
  • Je maintiens une distance suffisante et contourne le troupeau avec calme
  • Au besoin, je quitte le chemin 
  • Je ne laisse aucun déchet derrière moi

Hiking and biking

In order for hiking and biking fans to harmoniously co-exist, the following guidelines must be respected:

As a hiker:  
  • I have priority
  • I leave space for bikes to go by if possible
  • I treat cyclists / mountain bikers with respect
As a cyclist / mountain biker: 
  • I warn hikers of my arrival using my ring bell
  • When passing hikers, I slow down to a walking pace
  • I treat hikers with respect
Ski de fond
Nicolas Gascard

Cross-country skiing and snowshoeing

To each their sport, to each their track!

The mark up of winter tracks indicates for whom each trail is made. In order to ensure this offer remains and that each user is satisfied, please consider the following guidelines:

As a cross-country skier: 
  • I pay for my cross-country skiing sticker, so that the Nordic Centre can continue to guarantee the upkeep of quality tracks
  • I either use cross-country paths (turquoise mark-up) or multiactivity tracks (pink mark-up)
  • If I practice skating, I keep to the smooth part of the track
  • If I am on a multiactivity track, I adapt my speed when encountering hikers
  • I treat other track users with respect
As a hiker (with or without snowshoes):  
  • I use itineraries that are reserved for hiking (pink mark-up), namely: multiactivity tracks, groomed track for hiking on snow, and signposted paths (not groomed) for snowshoeing
  • I do not, under any circumstances, go on the cross-country skiing tracks (turquoise mark-up)
  • I treat other track users with respect
Lac gelé
Vallée de Joux Tourisme

Frozen lake

Even if the lake is open, it is not without danger to tread on it, since conditions can change at a moment’s notice. It is therefore necessary to respect the signs posted:

Red flag = access to the lake is completely forbidden
Green flag = the area is open within the space delimited by pickets

Caution is still required, as well as common sense. 

In all cases, the following guidelines apply:
  • Instructions from lake guards must be respected
  • There is no throwing of stones on the ice
  • Do not leave any trash behind
Randonnée - Lac de Joux
Anne Moscatello

Dogs on leash

As a dog owner, my four-legged friend must be held on a leash in the following circumstances: 
  • Within some protected sites
  • Whenever livestock is present
  • If there are signs indicating so
  • From the 1st of April to the 15th of July, in all forest areas and neighbouring prairies
This flyer of the Direction générale de l'environnement du Canton de Vaud details the right behaviours and their contribution to the protection of wildlife.

If you encounter a wolf

The presence of two wolf packs in the area makes an encounter with a wolf a possibility. These are however fearful animals, avoiding humans whenever they can. When they perceive a presence, they might nonetheless stay put and observe the situation for a moment, and then leave.
The Canton of Vaud reminds everyone of the right attitude to adopt in case of an encounter with a wolf:
  • Stay calm and maintain an appropriate distance
  • Do not try to approach the wolf or to take pictures
  • Hold your dog on a leash
  • Leave slowly, do not run to flee
  • If the wolf does not leave or the situation is ambiguous, speak loudly and clap your hands
  • If the wolf approaches anyway, stop, scream, make yourself as big as possible, try to intimidate it, throw something its way whilst leaving it space to retreat
Source: Vaud Rando, Bulletin n°1 - April 2023
Any encounter with a wolf must be reported to the local wildlife guard.
Nicolas Gascard

Open air fires

Lighting a fire in the open implies risks, the levels of which vary depending on the state of drought of the surrounding area. In all cases, one must first : inform oneself on the current level of risk and the right attitude to adopt on the site ofthe Canton of Vaud.

Even if the risk level is low, the following guidelines must be respected :
  • No cigarette butts, matches, or lighters must ever be left in nature
  • Barbecues can only be made in spaces provided for this purposes (existing hearths)
  • Fires must be constantly monitored, any flames outside the hearth must be immediately extinguished
  • Any fire outbreak must be immediately signalled to the firefighter’s central line (call 118)
Pêche sur le lac de Joux (Ria)

Fishing guidelines

Fishing in the lakes and rivers of the Vallée de Joux is subject to strict legislation. The rules can be consulted on the site of the Canton of Vaud: